Whatever the failings of the Church’s members, whether clergy or laity, the Church is indeed the plan of God as the instrument of salvation for humanity collectively.
Catholic Church
Irish Government Minister Katherine Zappone Pushes For The Church to Celebrate Homosexual Behavior
Irish Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Katherine Zappone is pushing the Church to use the upcoming World Meeting of Families in Dublin to celebrate homosexual partnerships and distort the authentic meaning of family.
YouTuber Lizzie Reezay Announces She’s Becoming Catholic
Instrumental in Lizzie Reezay’s decision to enter into full communion with the Church was becoming historically conscious of the early Church and her members: the Christians of the first few centuries. She discovered that the first Christians were indeed Catholic.
Archbishop Aquila: Humanae Vitae Was a Gift for The Church and for The World
Archbishop Aquila of Denver has released a pastoral letter titled, “The Splendor of Love,” in support of Blessed Paul VI’s teaching in Humanae Vitae upholding an authentic married love which must always remain open to the transmission of new human life.
Proof for the Belief of the Church from Historical Continuity of Doctrine
Protestant Christians are often under the false impression that Christians of the first few centuries of the Church were more Protestant than Catholic. A sound historical consciousness, however, shows just the opposite was the case. The first Christians held definitively Catholic beliefs.