The human intellect is created primarily to seek, know and embrace the truth about God, since it is only in doing so that we can achieve real and lasting fulfillment. Coming to know the truth and falling deeply in love with it, is integral to the divine plan of God.
Catholic Church
The Election of The 265th successor of St. Peter: Sign of Continuity, Unity, Solidity and Permanence
Whole civilizations have appeared and vanished, wars have begun and ended, but the Church remains, moving ahead along a timeline that stretches not simply into the future but into an eternity filled with the indescribable glory of unending, blessed communion with God. That the election of a pope is nothing new is clear. Nevertheless, it is interesting how an important event in the life of the Church, such as the election of Pope Francis, commands the world’s attention—albeit temporarily.
Pope Benedict XVI: Faithful Man of God and The Church
There is little that more plainly uncovers a failure to see the Holy Father for who he is, to understand him and to grasp the magnitude and importance of the position to which he as been called by God, than hearing what people have to say about his plans to resign from the papacy, scheduled to take effect on the 28th of February.
The Divine Liturgy: Sacred Action of Christ and His Body, The Church
In the sacred, earthly liturgy the work of our redemption is accomplished as we participate in the fullness of divine worship, consume the Risen Lord, and receive a foretaste of the heavenly liturgy celebrated in the holy City of God (cf. SC 1, 2, 8, 47).
The Church at Christmas: The Light of Truth Shines In The Darkness
Let us speak plainly: we stand on the horizon between the present and eternity. With each passing moment, our journey across the sea of earthly life nears its inevitable completion.