Raising your kids Catholic and doing what you can to ensure they remain immersed in the divine faith of the Church is challenging in today’s world, to say the least. Over the years, I’ve found certain things to be really helpful for me and my children.
Catholic Church
The Commandments: Gifts of Love for The Sake of Love
Presently, we live in an anti-law, exaggerated-freedom culture. What do I mean by this? It’s not so much that we Americans see civil or criminal law as a problem, rather it’s that many Americans are often dismissive of the moral law, and view it as an oppressive, burdensome freedom-killer.
The One, True Faith of The Church Will Persist
There was a line from a popular movie that became a famous slogan in the Seventies: “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!” I would say that pretty much sums up the way faithful Catholics feel today.
Holy Spirit Conviction: Saving the Unborn
Denise Grady, a reporter for the New York Times, gave this eye-opening perspective on August 15, 2012 while reflecting on the death of this prolific-pro-life icon, “’It was such a shock to think that anyone would kill an innocent human being,’ she told a television interviewer.
What is The Dogma of The Immaculate Conception?
If we don’t understand what the Immaculate Conception means, we can’t really understand how God prepared the way for his Son to enter history. We can’t understand Mary’s role in it. We can’t even understand our destiny—not fully, anyway.