Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden was recently denied Holy Communion by Fr. Robert Morey for obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin. Thank God for this holy priest who was courageous enough to do the right thing.
Catholic Church
St. John Paul II and his Message of Mercy Continue to Light the World
St. John Paul II, through his love for Jesus, and through his love for Mary whose “fiat” brought Mercy into the world, will be remembered as a humble and living image of what we all seek. His words, his careful and masterful teaching of the mysteries of Christ’s life, will continue to echo in our hearts and lives.
Saint Therese of The Child Jesus: Love to The End
“Then, nearly ecstatic with supreme joy in my soul, I proclaimed: O Jesus, my love, at last I have found my calling: my call is love. Certainly I have found my proper place in the Church, and you gave me that very place, my God.”
General Assembly of the U.S. Bishops Receive Presentation on Mass Exodus from the Church
The June 2019 General Assembly of the U.S. bishops in Baltimore listened to Bp. Barron gave a presentation on the serious problem of the millennials’ mass exodus from the Church. How many are leaving, and why are they leaving?
How My Search for Truth Led To The Joy of The Truth
I experienced the joy of the truth a year after college, when the supposed incompatibility of faith, reason, and science led me on a journey in search of truth. In an unexpected yet unsurprising way, this journey led to God and the Catholic Church in which the fulness of truth subsists.