The modern attack on the Church is perpetrated by Satan, whose deception and trickery is fooling people into thinking the Church is herself a source of evil in the world.
Catholic Church
Notre Dame Cathedral: Beauty in Ruins
It was a death in the family. I didn’t expect to be so shaken by the footage of Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral, a building I had scarcely seen in tiny photographs, let alone in person, crumbling at the touch of so many flames.
Theologian on Women Deacons: There Is No Historical Evidence That Women Were Ever Ordained As Deacons
Saint Ignatius of Antioch: “Let everyone revere the deacons as Jesus Christ, the bishop as the image of the Father, and the presbyters as the senate of God and the assembly of the Apostles. For without them one cannot speak of the Church.”
Live a Fruitful Life
You can’t hope to bear fruit when you don’t care for the tree, so how can you hope to live the best life you can without having God by your side?
Children Are A Welcome Sign of A Parish Alive
Children, with their sounds and stirrings during Mass, should not be looked at as disruptions, but as living images of the love of Christ, the blessings of the sacred vocation of marriage, and as gifts integral to a life-filled, growing parish community.