Today we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord, that moment when our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father, where he intercedes for us as the Sovereign Lord of the cosmos, as the one mediator between God and men (1 Tim 2:5).
Hope, Patience and Prayer
Are you a Martha or a Mary? One of my favourite stories of Jesus is that of Mary and Martha. It has also been coming up in daily readings and talks for the past week.
Hell is as Close as One Mortal Sin
Landing on the wrong side of the great chasm for all eternity is as close as dying in a state of mortal sin. Jesus’ parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man teaches this important truth: every person faces at the end of his earthly life the possibility of an eternal, unchangeable destiny. Salvation or damnation. One is good. The other terrifyingly bad.
Peter and the Papacy: Feed My Sheep
Peter and the Papacy: In today’s gospel, Jesus takes Peter back to that moment in time when, at a charcoal fire, he denied him three times. But now, before this new charcoal fire, things are very different.
Root Problem: A Failure to Understand What it Means to be Human
It is no surprise that American secularists display a high level of disdain for Catholicism, since, whether they admit it or not, the Catholic Church represents the antithesis of their futile quest to annihilate truth and religion.