The Transfiguration of Christ offers a window into the future of the elect. By the power of the resurrected Christ, his followers are destined to become like him, glorified and transfigured in eternal life.
Do Catholics Bow Down To Statues and Worship Saints?
Non-Catholic Christians entering the Church through the RCIA program often point out that they’ve heard about how Catholics practice idolatry: the worship of “graven images” and/or saints. Many of them complain that idolatry is the single biggest objection their Protestant friends have against Catholics.
Pentecost and the Gift of The Spirit: Be Transformed, Recreated, and Elevated Into Eternal Life
The gift of the Spirit constitutes in a real way an immediate entry into eternal life; for by virtue of the indwelling Spirit the Christian shares in God’s own divine nature.
The Ascension of the Lord: You are Witnesses of These Things
Today we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord, that moment when our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father, where he intercedes for us as the Sovereign Lord of the cosmos, as the one mediator between God and men (1 Tim 2:5).
Hope, Patience and Prayer
Are you a Martha or a Mary? One of my favourite stories of Jesus is that of Mary and Martha. It has also been coming up in daily readings and talks for the past week.