Should Catholics be involved in politics? And how do politics fit into the life of faith? I’m reminded of a conversation I overheard after Mass. A woman was complaining about all the comments on Facebook about the upcoming election.
Thoughts For Today
Raising Catholic Kids and Doing What You Can to Keep Them That Way
Raising your kids Catholic and doing what you can to ensure they remain immersed in the divine faith of the Church is challenging in today’s world, to say the least. Over the years, I’ve found certain things to be really helpful for me and my children.
Through One, For Many: Forming Authentic Communities in Christ
Through one man, Adam, all are fallen. Through Christ, all are raised up and redeemed. This got me to thinking about my role as one member of Christ’s body.
St. Peter and Redeeming Qualities
I think I have been channeling my inner St. Peter recently. St. Peter was a very determined, almost stubborn fellow, who was quick to jump to extremes with Jesus. Most notably, St. Peter liked to speak by using a lot of “never”s.
The Value of Sports, Virtue, and Martyrdom
As a young man who grew up playing all kinds of sports, it is safe to say that I am a true fan of athletics and competitive-play. Our father taught my siblings and me, in few words, the true value of sports and how those values can positively shape our lives.