When we think about it, what could God have done that is more perfect, meaningful, revealing, astonishing, moving, life-changing and all the rest, than to become man, assume our human nature and all that we are (with the exception of sin), and shed his blood in order to put our sins to death and gift us with new, everlasting life?
Thoughts For Today
Pope Benedict XVI: Faithful Man of God and The Church
There is little that more plainly uncovers a failure to see the Holy Father for who he is, to understand him and to grasp the magnitude and importance of the position to which he as been called by God, than hearing what people have to say about his plans to resign from the papacy, scheduled to take effect on the 28th of February.
Advent: Dominus humilitate adveniet: The Lord Will Come by Humility
Those who desire God and thirst for the joys of heaven are careful to pray for and cultivate the virtue of humility, for without it spiritual advancement remains an unattainable goal.
Pope Benedict XVI: Faith Transforms The Abyss of Suffering Into a Source of Hope
“This cry of anguish is transformed and transfigured in the mystery of the Resurrection. With these words, Jesus gives us the weight of his unspeakable suffering, beyond which the certainty of glory opens. Faith transforms death into a gift of life, and the abyss of pain into a source of hope” — Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI: Commit Yourselves Day after Day with The Affirmation: “I Believe”
Pope Benedict XVI: “This evening, you caused us to turn our hearts to Mary in prayer, the most beloved prayer of Christian tradition. Yet you also led us back to the beginning of our journey of faith, to the liturgy of Baptism, the moment in which we became Christian.