Jonah as divine comedy? Like all great comedy, this biblical book means for us to laugh at ourselves and to risk following God’s plans.
Thoughts For Today
A Menace to Society: Mind versus Morals?
A menace to society is the result of educating in mind and not in morals. Let us teach our children to put first things first.
Helping Those In Need Isn’t About You
Helping those in need isn’t about you. The wealthy often think they know what is best for everyone they deem “poor”. They think because someone is poor, they must be doing something wrong as if there’s always, without exception, a correlation between not having enough money and making bad decisions.
Telling Ourselves The Truth and Disposing of ‘Bad Thought Habits’
Inaccuracies and distortions in thinking create a multitude of problems with self-esteem, motivation and relationships. This includes our relationship with God. The goal then, is learning to tell ourselves the truth.
Cancel Culture Leaves No Room for the Good Thief
When a citizenry’s right to express itself freely and without fear of retribution is at risk, it can be thought of as a chilling development indeed. Such social conditions always bring a society one step closer to accepting the premises of tyranny.