What do you have to do with Jesus of Nazareth? This podcast, recorded after Palm Sunday, explores the importance of Jesus’ saving passion, death, burial, and resurrection in your life.
What Do You Have To Do With Jesus of Nazareth?
What does the crucified Jesus of Nazareth have to do with you? What does Jesus of Nazareth have to do with your life and your happiness?
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Catholics venerate the cross as a symbol closely associated with the saving passion and death of Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ offered himself on the Roman cross in a sacrifice of perfect obedience of his human will to God the Father in order to atone for sin and effect the redemption of humankind—something no mere man could do.
The Catholic Church: Understood In Christ Crucified
Christ is the light of the world (Jn. 8:12) from which the Catholic Church receives its light, life, being, mission and truth (see Mt. 16:17-19; 28:18-20; Jn. 16:13).