The Mystical Vine, the Catholic Church is animated by a novel vital principle, which is its Soul, the Holy Spirit, who is the Grace that animates all the members of the Body of Christ.
What’s Your Answer To The Question: Have You Been Saved?
Are you saved? It’s a question that often confuses Catholics. The most common answer I hear is: “Well, I’m a good person, so I hope to get to heaven.” Ah … nope. Wrong answer.
The Colors of Faith
They say that our true colors show in times of trial. What colors are you exhibiting right now?
Red-eye Reflection On Purgatory and Grace
This morning the dome of heaven is swaddled in heavy, gray clouds, but the air is light and crisp and paper-thin, like the translucent veil which divides the Church Militant from the Church Suffering.
Sin and Grace: the Thief and the Gift
Sin is a thief and grace is pure gift. Sin destroys and grace heals. I’ve found that the destruction and harm sin brings, especially sexual sin, comes back to haunt us again and again.