The Compendium Of The Social Doctrine Of The Church explains that “Jesus’ followers are called to live like him and, after his Passover of death and resurrection, to live also in him and by him, thanks to the superabundant gift of the Holy Spirit, the Consoler, who internalizes Christ’s own style of life in human hearts” (29).
What is Truth?
Reflecting on Pentecost: The Holy Spirit: Sanctifier and Giver of Life, Love and Truth
The celebration of Pentecost reminds us that right now, here in the present, the Spirit actively and constantly seeks human hearts that thirst for divine love and a new way of life.
Christian Prayer and Zen Buddhism
Today it is not uncommon to encounter some Catholics and other Christians who have incorporated eastern meditation into their Christian prayer practices. An example of this is “Zen,” a form of Buddhist meditation that is popular in Chinese Buddhism.
Is Church Dogma Intellectually Stifling?
In post-modern America, it has become a fashionable sign of the “enlightened” to oppose Church teaching by displaying a distaste for the dogmas and doctrines of the Church. Is the teaching of the Church burdensome and restrictive or, on the other hand, is it stimulating, elevating and freeing?
Day’s End Bits and Pieces
It struck me that being an insatiable news junkie in an era when news, its sources and veracity are questionable, perhaps, I could put my curiosity to better use. Are we Catholics as interested in Jesus as we are in Hollywood divorces, Trump’s rhetoric, Hillary’s excuses, football players taking a knee, end times predictions, or who’s been picked up for speeding? If not, why not?