The Catholic custom of making the sign of the cross dates to the very earliest Christian times. Tertullian, writing in 211, said, “We furrow our forehead with the sign [of the cross].”
Archives for August 2009
Are Catholics Required to Assent in Obedience to The Catholic Church?
Are Catholics required to submit to the Church? Those who thirst for God do not see “requirements” or “demands”; rather, they thirst for God’s precepts as a dry, parched land thirsts for rain.
Interpretation of Sacred Scripture
The interpretation of Sacred Scripture is a serious issue of which all Christians ought to take note. There is a great deal of confusion and disagreement among our Protestant brethren as to the meaning of the Inspired Word. Yet there need not be . . .
The Assumption of Mary, Mother of God, Into Heaven
“This daughter of Jerusalem is lovely and beautiful as she ascends to heaven like the rising sun at daybreak”
Mortal and Venial Sin: Does All Sin Cause The Same Harm?
A long-standing issue between Catholics and Protestants is the nature of sin. The disagreement lies in sin’s seriousness and the effects of sin on the soul. The question is, are there different types of sin with different effects upon the soul?