It is no surprise that American secularists display a high level of disdain for Catholicism, since, whether they admit it or not, the Catholic Church represents the antithesis of their futile quest to annihilate truth and religion.
Why Do Catholics Pray To The Dead?
One area of misunderstanding between Catholics and our Protestant brethren is the subject of praying to the saints. Catholics are occasionally charged with “praying to the dead,” which gives rise to dark images of seances and Ouija boards.
Love God With all Your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength
In our Gospel today, Jesus gives us the ultimate rule for life. It’s a rule for eternity: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”
Life’s Emptiness: Is it Friend or Foe?
Our experience of life’s emptiness is a universal human experience. It’s not without cause or purpose, for through it God directs our attention back upon Himself, that we may have life, and have it abundantly (Jn 10:10).
Relativism: The Societal Poison of our Age
Relativism undermines the purpose of the human intellect, which is to seek, find and know the truth, most especially the ultimate Truth: God. Consequently, it is not only an affront to human dignity but also damages individuals and society, working to prevent people from attaining their destiny in eternal communion with God.