Voting as a Catholic means supporting political candidates who best harmonize with the teaching of the Church on faith and morals. That means voting consistently pro-life in opposition to the intrinsic evil of abortion. Candidates who support abortion cannot normally receive our support. As an intrinsic evil, abortion is a non-negotiable. As Pope St. John Paul II noted, the right to life must be “defended with maximum determination.”
We Shall Be Like Him, For We Shall See Him As He Is
Did you ever stop to think about exactly what God’s goal is for you? Do you ever wonder what he is doing in your life to change you? What is his plan for your ultimate future?
‘Jesus is not God,’ Say Majority of Americans
Jesus is not God but merely a “good moral teacher”? Well … that’s a problem, for many reasons. One of which is the argument CS Lewis made: if Jesus is not Lord, as he claimed to be, then he must be either a liar or a lunatic, which means he can’t be a “good” moral teacher.
The Passion of John the Baptist: A Man Who Gave His Life for What is True
If we comply with the corruption of this age, living according to its evil tenets and communicating it to others through our willing adherence to its errors, we might well live more comfortably: we might receive approbation from the powerful and attain to high status among a society gone awry, plagued by moral fragmentation. In the end, however, we will have lost everything that really matters.
Saint Augustine of Hippo: Defender of Truth
St. Augustine’s life provides us with an example of the sublime fruits of grace which Christ bestows upon those who fall in love with the Divine Teacher of Truth. In doing so, Augustine was drawn to the Catholic Church, the holy dwelling place in which the fullness of truth subsists through the ages.