In today’s gospel, we are presented with the contrast between Christ and Judas, light and darkness. Judas chooses the way of darkness and goes out into the night, inviting Satan to enter into his life. Christ, on the other hand, is the Savior who brings light into darkness and dispels evil.
Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord 2020
On Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, we celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ’s entry into Jerusalem, an entry into the city where he would be brutally crucified on a Roman cross to accomplish his Paschal Mystery.
We Rejoice In Our Sufferings (Rom 5:3)
As Christians, we truly can rejoice in our sufferings in these times, whatever they may be. It’s important to understand that God will bring benefit from our suffering, provided we unite ourselves to Christ.
Like Lazarus, We Wait in Faith and Hope, Entombed in Darkness
We wait in faith and hope, analogously entombed in darkness, following in the way of Lazarus. Yet Christ is coming. The resurrection is in your future.
The Annunciation Reminds Us Of The Importance Of Hope In Perilous Times
The Annunciation of the Lord reminds us of the importance of hope, especially in these perilous times. The words of Mary, the Mother of God, provide us with the example of life for our lives: “May it be done to me according to your word.”