Unfortunately, the more that is revealed by whistle bowers, the more the laity are discovering again and again that the hierarchy cannot be trusted.
General Assembly of the U.S. Bishops Receive Presentation on Mass Exodus from the Church
The June 2019 General Assembly of the U.S. bishops in Baltimore listened to Bp. Barron gave a presentation on the serious problem of the millennials’ mass exodus from the Church. How many are leaving, and why are they leaving?
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity and Father’s Day: How Christian Fathers Image The Tripersonal God
Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. As Catholics, we believe in one God who is three divine persons. Why is an understanding of the Trinity important for Christian fathers?
Cdl Burke and Bp Schneider issue “declaration of truths” to correct “doctrinal errors” in Church of our time
On 31 May, Cardinal Raymond Burke along with four other bishops issued a public declaration of truths of the divine faith of the Church in order to remedy “one of the greatest spiritual epidemics” of the present times.
St. Justin Martyr: Church Father, Apologist, and Defender of The Truth
St. Justin Martyr is a Church Father and Apologist. A prolific writer, he is known for his outstanding and heroic defense of the truth of the divine faith of the Church.