With a sweep of gubernatorial pen, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo legalized the intention killing of pre-born children in cases of fetal inviability or when necessary to protect a mother’s life or health—in effect opening wide the door to brutal and diabolically evil late-term abortions on demand.
The Holy Family and Holiness
Today the Catholic Church celebrates The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. It’s no accident that Jesus was born into such a human family, a holy family that itself was the first Christian family who dwelt in the first Christian home.
Life, Purpose and Destiny: Only One Person Can Answer Your Deepest Human Questions
There are some questions science, society and sociology cannot answer. They are common to every human heart. There is only one Person who can answer these questions: the Word made flesh.
A Question For The Christmas Season: Do You Want To Become A Saint?
In an instant, God can deeply change the way see things, transform our understanding, impart an entirely new outlook. When God takes possession of the soul, it knows it has found something great, something worth dying for, although this possession at the same time remains shrouded in mystery.
St. John of the Cross: “Do Not Seek Christ Without The Cross”
Caught in a dispute between the Carmelites of the Mitigated Observance and the Carmelites of the Reform, St. John of the Cross was accused of monastic disobedience and imprisoned in December of 1577 at the Monastery of Toledo. For the next nine months, he was locked in a six-by-ten-foot cell, with only meager light filtering in from a small slit high up on one wall.