I think everyone agrees that they’re constantly searching for something. Some purpose. Some meaning. An answer you must have. A point of fulfillment you desire. Yet, if you’re honest with yourself, you never seem to fully possess what you’re seeking.
With The Election of Jared Polis, Voters in Colorado Give The Nod To Two Intrinsic Evils
In November Colorado voters made a frequently repeated error in moral discernment: they intentionally placed a man who openly supports intrinsic evils into a position of power and influence over others.
Infallibility and The Pope: Does The Pope Speak With God’s Voice?
Today there is no shortage of confusion about the pope’s level of authority and the doctrine of papal infallibility. Just when do statements made by a pope rise to the level of formal, infallible pronouncements? Rarely.
Want To Find Peace and Happiness?
The experience of the peace and happiness of “God that surpasses all understanding” (Phil 4:7), attained in freedom and loving obedience, is inseparable from love for the Truth, for Jesus Christ is the “way and the truth and the life” (Jn 14:6), whose gift of himself to humanity opens the way to the Father and the everlasting kingdom of God.
The Church Is Built On Christ Himself and The Faithful Are Members of His Physical Body
In our second reading for today, St. Paul speaks about how the Church is founded by Christ himself. Through apostolic succession, men who have received the sacrament of Orders continue to build on the foundation of the Church as it grows to full stature as the New Temple, which is Christ’s body and God’s building.