The experience of the peace and happiness of “God that surpasses all understanding” (Phil 4:7), attained in freedom and loving obedience, is inseparable from love for the Truth, for Jesus Christ is the “way and the truth and the life” (Jn 14:6), whose gift of himself to humanity opens the way to the Father and the everlasting kingdom of God.
The Church Is Built On Christ Himself and The Faithful Are Members of His Physical Body
In our second reading for today, St. Paul speaks about how the Church is founded by Christ himself. Through apostolic succession, men who have received the sacrament of Orders continue to build on the foundation of the Church as it grows to full stature as the New Temple, which is Christ’s body and God’s building.
Faith, Morals and Voting: Why The Teaching of The Church Should Be Brought Into The Public Square
Why is the belief of the Church important in the voting process? Because those Catholics and Christians whose lives are ordered by the belief of the Church bring Jesus Christ and his saving gospel into the public square. That really says it all.
Solemnity of All Saints: What Does It Mean To Be A Saint?
The saints teach us what the meaning of life really is. By their unique deeds and words, they show forth the love of God in its radiant depth and beauty, and point us toward not simply the fullness of living in the here and now, but the goal of every human person: eternal life in union with God.
The Experience of the Resurrected Christ: A Divine Dream Worth Dying For
The dream of God is a dream of unending, divine love. His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, sacrificed his human life for this Dream: the redemption of humankind and the gift of eternal life and perfect happiness. Heaven is the divine dream that is not a fantasy but reality! Its gates are open through the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.