Catholics do not believe in the Resurrection merely because we have been told it is so; we believe in it because the living community of the Church has witnessed it. We are a people who have witnessed the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection is, then, a historical event in the life of the People of God.
What Do You Have To Do With Jesus of Nazareth?
What does the crucified Jesus of Nazareth have to do with you? What does Jesus of Nazareth have to do with your life and your happiness?
St. Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary and Model of The Virtue of Faith
St. Joseph, like Mary, is a model and guide for all Christians, especially as a model of faith. St. Joseph teaches us the meaning of faith in God and how to actively and consistently live out the virtue of faith in our lives.
Justice Anthony Kennedy and His Tyranny of Relativism
Justice Kennedy’s opinions have often reflected a heavy emphasis on the right to personal autonomy and determining one’s own identity, something which he himself has been governed by in dictating unjust and immoral laws from the Supreme Court bench.
Dr. Taylor Marshall Experiences Vision of the Church as Mother of the Faithful
Whatever the failings of the Church’s members, whether clergy or laity, the Church is indeed the plan of God as the instrument of salvation for humanity collectively.