Is God real? Does he exist? Although it’s an age-old question, it has perhaps never been more relevant than it is today. Each person and each new generation must answer it.
The Disney Channel’s Descent Into Forming Children To Embrace Sexually Disordered Lifestyles
It’s not difficult to see how some of Disney’s programs can be highly dangerous to the future well-being of children—physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The Church: Spirit-Guided Pillar and Bulwark of the Truth
This brief video explains why the Spirit-guided nature of the Church is important—essential, in fact—for accepting the Bible as the inspired word of God.
Advent and The Theological Virtue of Hope
The theological virtue of hope can be thought of as a sublime, incomparable and indispensable gift given by God to help man attain perfect human happiness in heaven and live a fruitful life here on earth. Hope orders our life, and leads us onward and upward.
Five Ways To Grow In Intimacy With Christ During Advent
Advent is a liturgical season of the Church through which Christians prepare to meet Christ and enter into a deeper relationship of personal communion with him. Here are five simple, straightforward ways of doing that.