Through devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we are attracted to Mary’s immense love for her Son. This leads us to recognize that her Immaculate Heart is inseparably bound up with the Sacred Heart of Jesus as two hearts of love joined for eternity.
An Advent Story: Discovering Christ on a Deserted Country Road
As a teenager, my best friend had come to visit for about a week. We were enjoying the unusually still evening, sitting on the side of a deserted country road, looking off at the sunset and not saying much. At that moment, something inexplicable happened.
The Feast of St. Andrew, Hope, and The Approach of Advent
The Feast of St. Andrew can help you to embrace the gift of hope and set your eyes on heavenly things above. Leave the old behind, as did he, cultivate your heart, and embrace Christ who calls, heals, restores, and confers on men the gift of eternal life.
Canadian Parents Are Asking Doctors to Kill Their Sick or Disabled Children
Euthanasia was legalized in Canada a year ago in June of 2016. Since that time, the Canadian Paediatric Society has reported that physicians are “increasingly being approached” by parents seeking to euthanize their infants and children.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of The Universe
Jesus Christ the King reminds us that we will be judged by the way we have treated others, for our love or rejection of Christ is based on our love or rejection of his brethren.