Let us pray for our nation and for our new commander in chief, President Donald Trump, that during his period of leadership he will work to restore some of what has been lost in America due to the blatant and direct hostility shown by the previous administration, associated politicians, and the Clinton network toward human life, unborn children in the womb, the right to religious freedom, and the Catholic Church herself.
The Moral Dimension of The Catholic Vote
Over the years, I’ve often written of the moral weight of voting in America within the context of the plight of the unborn under the gavel of abortion and its intrinsic evil. There is no greater voting issue in America today than the abortion issue.
Natural Law Primer
Here’s a short video primer on the natural moral law.
10 Quick Facts About God
Watch this short video to learn 10 facts about God—and something about you too!
Destiny and Happiness
Watch this short video to learn about finding true happiness. Your destiny of happiness is found in living in harmony with God’s saving plan of love! Deacon Frederick BartelsDeacon Frederick Bartels is a member of the Catholic clergy who serves the Church in the diocese of Pueblo. He holds an MA in Theology and […]