It is Christmas eve. On this night we gaze with anticipation toward Christmas, that day when, about two thousand years ago, our Savior was born of a sweet, humble and sinless Jewish woman: the Virgin Mary, most holy Mother of God.
Preparing for Christmas: Open Your Heart to Christ
When I meet people “out on the street” or in various other places, I often ask them if they are ready for Christmas. Their response is nearly always one of these: “Yes, I’ve got all my shopping done,” or “No, I’ve got some shopping left to do.” These responses really get to the heart of our present predicament in the U.S.
Colorado Catholic Bishops Call for Day of Prayer In Response to Planned Parenthood’s Acts of Abortion
The Catholic bishops of Colorado are calling Catholics to a day of prayer in response to the unspeakably evil and horrific acts of Planned Parenthood (PP), the nation’s largest abortion provider.
Come Away By Yourselves To A Lonely Place and Rest Awhile
Rest in God, dear soul, for that is everything. Fear not the lonely place, for it may become a land of untold delights, where solitude brings consolation, and aloneness unfolds not into loneliness but divinely infused joy and peace.
Seeking Happiness This Christmas?
The Son of God became man, born of the Virgin Mary as a humble child, in order to offer you the opportunity to experience true fulfillment, peace and happiness everlasting.