A disordered view of freedom has arisen in America since the 1940’s and 50’s promoting a freedom without limits. This new, depraved view of freedom demands a system of “rights” that, ultimately, violate the dignity of the human person and labor to dismantle society. It’s become man for man, not man for the love of God.
America Today
Can Catholics And Other Christians Divorce and Remarry?
In today’s gospel (Mk 10:1-12), Jesus answers a pointed question from the Pharisees regarding the permanency of marriage and the possibility of divorce. The answer he gives was as countercultural then as it is now.
Should Catholics Do Yoga?
As popular as Hatha yoga is in America, it’s important to understand it may not always be wise to engage in its practice. When yoga is considered in its full spectrum, it’s difficult to see how it can be compatible with the Christian faith transmitted by the Church.
Jesus Christ and Human Freedom
Jesus is for us a model of holiness (CCC, 459). In and through and with Christ, we begin to understand the real meaning of authentic human freedom, as well as how it is properly exercised. Through faith in Christ and belief in the teaching of his Church, true freedom is unveiled as we begin to see and live by the light of God.
Gov. Matt Bevin: School Violence Is Due to Devaluation of Human Life
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has become a leading figure in championing respect for human life, dignity, and support of the common good. Given the recent episodes of school violence, Gov. Bevin makes this well-reasoned point: it is naive and delusional to think that adding gun-control laws is itself an adequate solution to these problems.