In the weeks leading up to Christmas, known as the season of Advent, we will give lots of gifts. Gifts to our co-workers, family, friends and even strangers. Giving freely is something God calls us to do and brings us great joy.
Jesus Christ
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of The Universe
Jesus Christ the King reminds us that we will be judged by the way we have treated others, for our love or rejection of Christ is based on our love or rejection of his brethren.
Day’s End Bits and Pieces
It struck me that being an insatiable news junkie in an era when news, its sources and veracity are questionable, perhaps, I could put my curiosity to better use. Are we Catholics as interested in Jesus as we are in Hollywood divorces, Trump’s rhetoric, Hillary’s excuses, football players taking a knee, end times predictions, or who’s been picked up for speeding? If not, why not?
Courage Found in Christ: Fear no one, but only the one who can kill both body and soul
In this Sunday’s gospel (Mt 10:26-33), Jesus speaks to the Twelve about what should be the real object of their fear. “Fear no one,” the Savior insists, but the “one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.”
Christology and Christmas
Today, Christians often take the meaning of Christmas for granted. Unfortunately, the wonder and magnificence of the Incarnation and the subsequent birth of the humble little Christ Child, including study and reflection on these singularly unique and pivotal events in human history, are often displaced by other concerns. Often unrecognized or forgotten is the struggle, the bloodshed, and the extreme labor of the Church over the centuries to guard and transmit the truth of Jesus of Nazareth in its full purity to the entire world.