To meditate on the Being of God, on the Truth of the Divine Name, is the true philosophy, the prayer of rightly ordered theology, the science that is reconciled in wisdom, the act of religion that is homage to the Divinity.
Stories Human and Divine
Life is the mystery that humans face before the contemplation of the human condition, engaged in its virulent struggle for life, its combat for existence in the affirmation of their rights, and which finds its ultimate fulfillment in the Incarnate Word of God whose love has restored all things.
Hollywood and Heresy
Material heresy is often driven by popular films. It’s no secret that people frequently, even though they know a particular film is fiction, pick up on some of its ideas and absorb them as their own. The fact is—and it is a particularly disturbing one—Hollywood has often become the unwary’s instructor.
Materialism and the Liberal Man
Materialism is primarily an orientation of the mind, a particular spirit, a way of understanding reality and of comprehending the world. It is a feature which is understandable and yet at the same time quite troubling. It is an ideology, a way of seeing things, that has pervaded western culture.
Can The Physical Sciences Prove God Does Not Exist?
Contrary to the popular musings of Steven Hawking and others, it is not possible for the physical sciences to prove God does not exist.