St. Augustine wrote: “Faith is to believe what you do not see. The reward of faith is to see what you believe.” Faith is to look with spiritual vision beyond the physical and the ordinary. Through belief, it opens the way to an encounter with God and the reward of a new kind of life.
Catholic Church
Christmas and Evangelization: Why did Jesus come and why do Christians go?
Like the shepherds, we encounter Christ in a very personal way at every Mass–especially in the Eucharist. Yet it is not enough to simply and passively receive this great gift with joy. Joy naturally is received and shared. The full meaning of Christmas and its encounter with the Christ-child moves us to become evangelists, that such an immense joy might be shared with all.
Go and Make Disciples of All Nations
How serious is the need to evangelize others? Is the matter of salvation a pressing one? Society suggests it’s no big deal. But the reality of the situation is actually quite different.
Prayer Serves the Education of Man As a Dialogue With God
In our trial on the Earth, prayer serves to educate man into the adoration due to God and the love of his fellow brothers. It has a transformative effect on man, uniting him to God and assisting him in living a life of charity in support of the common good.
Infallibility and The Pope: Does The Pope Speak With God’s Voice?
Today there is no shortage of confusion about the pope’s level of authority and the doctrine of papal infallibility. Just when do statements made by a pope rise to the level of formal, infallible pronouncements? Rarely.