It is to the benefit of all Christians to be concerned with and to live by what is really true. Our non-Catholic and/or Protestant brethren today often continue to adhere to the Bible as the only governing authority and the sole rule of faith. They see no requirement for a visible, structured and hierarchically ordered Church. However, the Word of God says otherwise.
Catholic Church
Supernatural Revelation and Humanity: Christ’s Deeds and Words Bring Definitive Meaning To Human Life
“In reality it is only in the mystery of the Word made flesh that the mystery of man truly becomes clear” (Gaudium et Spes 22 § 1). Jesus is the way and the truth and the life, who himself illuminates our lives.
The Church: Visible and Invisible
In his book, The Splendor of the Church, Henri de Lubac wrote of a dangerous dissociation often made about the Church. This error is rooted in the Protestant revolution which occurred in the early 16th century, and has, unfortunately, continued to the present among non-Catholic Christians.
More than Forgiveness
2016 was the most challenging year of my life; in fact. the damage done in a four-month study abroad trip still wreaks havoc on me, body and soul.
Roots of the Cafeteria Catholic Phenomenon
While “Cafeteria Catholic” is a somewhat new term, it is not an entirely new phenomenon; its roots are found in Renaissance humanism, Enlightenment philosophies and some of the subsequent errors of Modernism. Although some people today think that a self-guided moral autonomy is the intelligent way to live, it is not the path leading to human fulfillment but its opposite.