The Mystical Vine, the Catholic Church is animated by a novel vital principle, which is its Soul, the Holy Spirit, who is the Grace that animates all the members of the Body of Christ.
Catholic Church
Peter and the Papacy: Feed My Sheep
Peter and the Papacy: In today’s gospel, Jesus takes Peter back to that moment in time when, at a charcoal fire, he denied him three times. But now, before this new charcoal fire, things are very different.
Evangelization For Catholic Single Parents: Giving a Voice to the Voiceless
When Pope Francis spoke about the new evangelization, I was thrilled to see if there were any programs for single parents. I wanted to see if this underutilized and misunderstood group of people would be included within the parameters of the “go and make disciples” initiative. We are a growing minority in the Church and often overlook and underheard.
“Ask and You Shall Receive” – St. Pio’s Favorite Novena to The Sacred Heart of Jesus
St. Pio popularized a wonderful devotional prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He used to pray this novena every day for those who asked his intercession.
The Virgin Mary: Mother of The Church and Exemplar of The Journey
Blessed John Paul II wrote in Redemptoris Mater that the “Church journeys through time toward the consummation of the ages and goes to meet the Lord who comes.”