Obedience, the way of love, is tied to keeping the commandments of the Lord Jesus. We keep the commandments of Christ because we love who he is. We love his deeds and words and his way of life. In free and loving obedience is found happiness.
Whether God Exists
Contemporary man often sees himself as having arrived at a psychological maturity that has displaced God with the kingdom of man. In this obscurity, God becomes unnecessary. However, the existence of God is an intellectual question that demands serious treatment.
The Road to Emmaus and The Gift of The Church
The Road to Emmaus story teaches us about the immense gift of the Church and the Eucharist. In living the Catholic life and receiving Jesus at the table of the Lord, our minds are filled with grace and divine wisdom.
We Rejoice In Our Sufferings (Rom 5:3)
As Christians, we truly can rejoice in our sufferings in these times, whatever they may be. It’s important to understand that God will bring benefit from our suffering, provided we unite ourselves to Christ.
COVID-19: Seeing With the Eyes of Faith
Seeing COVID-19 through the lens of faith opens up a divine perspective. It allows us to see beyond the moment, with all its uncertainty, into eternity. It grants us the ability to understand how all things and events are included in God’s loving providential plan.