We live in a scientific age that lays heavy stress upon the importance of empirical observation and data. Some believe that only science is a reliable source of valid evidence and information. Where does this leave faith? Are faith and science incompatible?
St. Justin Martyr: Church Father, Apologist, and Defender of The Truth
St. Justin Martyr is a Church Father and Apologist. A prolific writer, he is known for his outstanding and heroic defense of the truth of the divine faith of the Church.
Are You Saved? Why Does This Question Surprise Catholics?
Are you saved? The entire biblical story is about that question. But why does it so often surprise Catholics?
Sin and Grace: the Thief and the Gift
Sin is a thief and grace is pure gift. Sin destroys and grace heals. I’ve found that the destruction and harm sin brings, especially sexual sin, comes back to haunt us again and again.
Do All People Go To Heaven? Does Religion Matter?
“Is heaven my lot?” It should be the most pressing question. It’s a question everyone should ask daily—several times. But something strange—better yet, sinister—has happened.