I am often recruited to speak at Confirmation events around the Midwest and, in the past, I would offer a “test” to check the candidates’ understanding of Confirmation. Unfortunately, nearly every student provided an incorrect definition. What is worse, sometimes priests and catechists could not provide a correct definition either. What is the sacrament of Confirmation?
The Power of The Gift of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a gift of the Holy Spirit that each of us receive in Baptism, but also through God’s grace each time we go to confession and are truly repentant of our sins. God has given us a great gift, and is such a loving Father that He continually calls us back home, back on the right path.
Reflecting On How God Reaches Out To You and To Me With The Gift of Faith
St. Augustine wrote: “Faith is to believe what you do not see. The reward of faith is to see what you believe.” Faith is to look with spiritual vision beyond the physical and the ordinary. Through belief, it opens the way to an encounter with God and the reward of a new kind of life.
Christmas and Evangelization: Why did Jesus come and why do Christians go?
Like the shepherds, we encounter Christ in a very personal way at every Mass–especially in the Eucharist. Yet it is not enough to simply and passively receive this great gift with joy. Joy naturally is received and shared. The full meaning of Christmas and its encounter with the Christ-child moves us to become evangelists, that such an immense joy might be shared with all.
With The Election of Jared Polis, Voters in Colorado Give The Nod To Two Intrinsic Evils
In November Colorado voters made a frequently repeated error in moral discernment: they intentionally placed a man who openly supports intrinsic evils into a position of power and influence over others.