Come late April I will be out of a job. I recall how Jesus called the future apostles by the seashore. And I keep thinking to myself, “If three fishermen can leave everything and follow Jesus, surely I can change jobs without having panic attacks. Jesus took care of them. Why shouldn’t I believe he will take care of me?”
Thoughts For Today
St. Josephine Bakhita and Her Healing Intercession
I grew up in a dysfunctional household. It was a home filled with selfishness and contempt. I never felt treasured as an individual person. Always feeling awkward and out of place, I tried desperately to be accepted and worthy.
The Old Royal and Vivid Memories of Poverty
A few days ago, I was walking back to my workplace from a lunch event, when I spied an old Royal typewriter in the window of a vintage shop. Seeing it, I caught my breath, for it brought back in vivid detail a time when my family and I were struggling with poverty.
Is It Correct to Withhold Holy Communion from Anti-Life Catholic Politicians?
Giving Holy Communion to anti-life Catholic politicians is an extremely serious thing to do, for many reasons. The question is, is it ever a truly good thing to do?
Catholic Servant Leadership and the Golden Rule
I was raised on the Golden Rule, but it has taken me a lifetime to fully comprehend and appreciate what these words truly mean. It is certainly more than taking care of those in your charge.