As a young man who grew up playing all kinds of sports, it is safe to say that I am a true fan of athletics and competitive-play. Our father taught my siblings and me, in few words, the true value of sports and how those values can positively shape our lives.
Thoughts For Today
Pray, Hope, and Don’t Worry: Jesus Has Your Back
Come late April I will be out of a job. I recall how Jesus called the future apostles by the seashore. And I keep thinking to myself, “If three fishermen can leave everything and follow Jesus, surely I can change jobs without having panic attacks. Jesus took care of them. Why shouldn’t I believe he will take care of me?”
St. Josephine Bakhita and Her Healing Intercession
I grew up in a dysfunctional household. It was a home filled with selfishness and contempt. I never felt treasured as an individual person. Always feeling awkward and out of place, I tried desperately to be accepted and worthy.
The Old Royal and Vivid Memories of Poverty
A few days ago, I was walking back to my workplace from a lunch event, when I spied an old Royal typewriter in the window of a vintage shop. Seeing it, I caught my breath, for it brought back in vivid detail a time when my family and I were struggling with poverty.
Is It Correct to Withhold Holy Communion from Anti-Life Catholic Politicians?
Giving Holy Communion to anti-life Catholic politicians is an extremely serious thing to do, for many reasons. The question is, is it ever a truly good thing to do?