What leads to permanent and lasting happiness? As Jesus points out, becoming “rich in what matters to God” is the key. When we place God first, and love our neighbor as another self, we soon begin to experience a perceptible, lasting happiness that is not of this world. It is “other-worldly” because it does not originate from our interior, from creatures or material possessions, but from God himself, whose bountiful love fills us with true and lasting peace, joy and happiness.
Thoughts For Today
Day Will Soon Pass Into Night
Although the bright light of day gives a false impression that night is far off, it is this moment drawing near. Soon, light will give way to shadow, color wash into grey, and the warmth of the sun will cease as it falls below the horizon and the earth is cast in darkness.
Death: The Unspoken Yet Unavoidable Experience In Your Future
Death often remains the unspoken, unthinkable subject. While we tend to refrain from discussing or thinking about frightening, unpleasant topics, such a habit is indeed an unfortunate one. I propose that thinking about death is one of the more intellectually and spiritually healthy things a person can do. It’s the sane thing to do, and it’s the human thing to do. As we mediate on the reality of death, and learn what God has revealed about death, life and the human person to his Church, we learn a great deal about what it really means to live.
Jesus Claims His Divinity: I Am the Resurrection and The Life
In the gospel this Fifth Sunday of Lent (Jn 11:1-45), we hear about Jesus raising his friend Lazarus from the dead. On seeing Lazarus, Jesus as true man wept for him and, as eternal God, raised him from the tomb (see Fifth Sunday of Lent Preface).
Do Not Bury the Truth, Embrace It, Live It, Let it Transform You
There is something irresistible about the truth. You might try to bury it; that will not, however, bring satisfaction and serenity but only an irritating and persistent urge to seek it all the more. Although it is often mistakenly thought that an end can be brought to this desire by acquiring material objects, the heart cannot long be fooled, the depth of Eternal Beauty continues to draw you.