As we look on the face of the Christ Child in celebration of the Nativity of the Lord, let us adopt the heart of the poor shepherds whose life of silence and watchfulness prepared them to receive the message of the birth of the Messiah.
Thoughts For Today
An Advent Reflection
Are you ready to repent and let Jesus into your life, that you may experience a new life of joy, happiness, and peace?
Hope, Patience and Prayer
Are you a Martha or a Mary? One of my favourite stories of Jesus is that of Mary and Martha. It has also been coming up in daily readings and talks for the past week.
He Saw You
I can’t imagine the mental torture Jesus went through before his death. His human side began to tremble and quake knowing his death was going to be the most painful one known to man.
Romanticized Use: Hollywood’s Version of Valentine’s Day
If it looks like love and sounds like love then it sells as love. The problem? Our culture has romanticized using another person for personal pleasure.