I can’t imagine the mental torture Jesus went through before his death. His human side began to tremble and quake knowing his death was going to be the most painful one known to man.
Thoughts For Today
Romanticized Use: Hollywood’s Version of Valentine’s Day
If it looks like love and sounds like love then it sells as love. The problem? Our culture has romanticized using another person for personal pleasure.
Evangelization For Catholic Single Parents: Giving a Voice to the Voiceless
When Pope Francis spoke about the new evangelization, I was thrilled to see if there were any programs for single parents. I wanted to see if this underutilized and misunderstood group of people would be included within the parameters of the “go and make disciples” initiative. We are a growing minority in the Church and often overlook and underheard.
Relativism: The Societal Poison of our Age
Relativism undermines the purpose of the human intellect, which is to seek, find and know the truth, most especially the ultimate Truth: God. Consequently, it is not only an affront to human dignity but also damages individuals and society, working to prevent people from attaining their destiny in eternal communion with God.
Supernatural Hope: A Decision
Supernatural hope is a decision, an existential state, staking your happiness on God in the knowledge that you were loved even before you were born.