The next four years are going to be some of the best of your life. There are going to be memories made, friends that come and go, and laughter till you cry.
Patience in God’s Timing
It is said that patience with God’s timing is key. What then is patience? In our house, patience could be defined as time spent waiting for the chocolate chip cookies to finish baking.
The Perfect Home
A man would have to be quite taken with himself to fail to notice things “aren’t quite right.” Sometimes, he can’t put his finger on precisely what is wrong, aside from the obvious effects of the carpet bombing of sin.
Simply Seasonal
Seasons of life are a funny thing. Right now we are celebrating the beginning of spring with blooming flowers and popcorn poppin’ on the popcorn trees. However, as Catholics we are still walking through the penitential season of lent.
Thank you Jesus for this Pizza or Little Blessings
Have you ever truly praised Jesus for pizza? Now, I understand that is an odd question to begin with. I am sure many of us have said that we love pizza, or we’ve enjoyed the taste of goooood pizza, or maybe even have jokingly said, “Thank you, sweet Jesus, for this pizza.”