St. Agnes, a young virgin martyred in Rome at the tender age of twelve or thirteen, is a unique and unrepeatable saint whose principled conviction, fidelity and dedication to Christ leaves men of the world, then as now, fascinated yet perplexed.
Jesus Christ
Life’s Emptiness: Is it Friend or Foe?
Our experience of life’s emptiness is a universal human experience. It’s not without cause or purpose, for through it God directs our attention back upon Himself, that we may have life, and have it abundantly (Jn 10:10).
St. Teresa of Jesus: Imaginary Dialogues in Avila and Seville
“Perhaps we do not know what love is: it would not surprise me a great deal to learn this, for love consists, not in the extent of happiness, but in the firmness of our determination to try to please God in everything”— St. Teresa of Avila
The Life of Mary Magdalene Demonstrates the Transformative Power of Christ
Today is the feast of St. Mary Magdalene, whose life with Jesus of Nazareth teaches us many important elements of Christian discipleship. One that stands out above all others is the way in which her life was totally transformed by an intimate relationship of communion with Jesus Christ.
Finding Peace in the Divine and Human Love of Jesus Christ
The key to finding peace and joy consists in focusing on who and what is really important in our lives, and expressing gratitude to God for his many gifts that far surpass the deceptive and distracting “wants” of this world.