A careful reading of Church documents like canon law or the Catechism (and others), reveals that when the Church uses the term “grave sin” it means “mortal sin.”
Mortal Sin
Hell is as Close as One Mortal Sin
Landing on the wrong side of the great chasm for all eternity is as close as dying in a state of mortal sin. Jesus’ parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man teaches this important truth: every person faces at the end of his earthly life the possibility of an eternal, unchangeable destiny. Salvation or damnation. One is good. The other terrifyingly bad.
Cancel Culture Leaves No Room for the Good Thief
When a citizenry’s right to express itself freely and without fear of retribution is at risk, it can be thought of as a chilling development indeed. Such social conditions always bring a society one step closer to accepting the premises of tyranny.
Christ and Judas, Light and Darkness
In today’s gospel, we are presented with the contrast between Christ and Judas, light and darkness. Judas chooses the way of darkness and goes out into the night, inviting Satan to enter into his life. Christ, on the other hand, is the Savior who brings light into darkness and dispels evil.
I’m The Prodigal Son and This Is My Story
The Parable of the Prodigal Son found in Luke’s gospel is the most famous parable of all time. Why? Because it’s one of the greatest love stories of all time. But it’s not all roses.