When I read the passage above, I’ve never felt more like a Pharisee than today. The people whom Jesus constantly warns us not to be like; I feel it’s as if I’m practicing what they preach.
Ella’s Choice
There once was a little girl named Ella. She worked hard, loved fiercely, and cared for others needs more than her own. She worked until she could work no more and still then some.
The Perfect Home
A man would have to be quite taken with himself to fail to notice things “aren’t quite right.” Sometimes, he can’t put his finger on precisely what is wrong, aside from the obvious effects of the carpet bombing of sin.
Jesus Does Not Issue Impossible Demands
To be perfect is both a command and a promise. We become perfect in becoming like God. Such a sublime gift is made possible by the Son of God becoming man, that we may be justified before God, that we may receive the Spirit of God, that we may share in the divine life of God. Yet while God does the divine work, we must do the human work by following Jesus Christ who commands us to live a life of authentic, Christian discipleship and love.