For those of you who are having a hard time getting in the Christmas Spirit or finding joy in your daily life, I understand. I tenaciously pursue God’s joy but have been like a treasure hunter searching for treasure in North America while using a map of Asia. Suffice to say, it’s not working out for me.
Trust in God
God Is The Father Who Exceeds Our Hopes and Dreams
What does it mean to be a good parent? There are probably thousands of answers to this question when you really consider it. But did you ever stop to think about how wonderful and wondrous God the Father is?
You Need To Really Get This: God is Crazy in Love with You
I used to think the term Cafeteria Catholics applied only to those Catholics who pick and choose which church teachings to apply to their political life—abortion and same-sex marriage for example. But God opened my eyes to see the hypocrite standing in the mirror.
Courage Found in Christ: Fear no one, but only the one who can kill both body and soul
In this Sunday’s gospel (Mt 10:26-33), Jesus speaks to the Twelve about what should be the real object of their fear. “Fear no one,” the Savior insists, but the “one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.”