In a recent statement from Archbishop Gomez, the USCCB appears to confirm Joe Biden as president, calling for unity, compromise, and fraternity.
St. Charles Borromeo: True Reformer of the Church
Saint Charles Borromeo was a true reformer of the Church. Growing up during the time of the Protestant Revolution in the 16th century, he was present at the Council of Trent and tirelessly labored to promote moral formation and religious education in his diocese.
Love of God and Neighbor, Immigration, the Wall, and Voting
There’s lots of confusion about immigration and voting among Catholics and other Christians. How big of a factor is immigration among our voting concerns? Does it equate morally to abortion? And, is President Trump’s wall building project something we can or cannot support? Is it a negotiable policy for Catholics or not?
Voting As a Catholic In November
“Voting as a Catholic” is a video series I wrote and narrated, produced by Catholic Online School, to help Catholics sort out the confusing array of misinformation, propaganda, and outright lies they’ve heard about voting.
Saint Teresa of Avila: Virgin and Doctor of Prayer
St. Teresa teaches us above all that the goal of the human person is union with Divine Beauty: our loving and wondrous God and Father. It is only in and through and with God that we can attain perfect happiness, human fulfillment and total completion. In fact, without God, as she so often emphasizes, we have nothing and are nothing. However, he who has God possesses everything. St. Teresa proclaims: God alone suffices!