The entire meaning of Lent, Holy Thursday, the Easter Triduum, can be summed up in this sentence from the gospel of John, “He loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end,” since it speaks about the entire content of the life and mission of Jesus Christ; that is, to love his disciples and his brethren—us, you, me, humanity—to the very end.
The Unwitting Prophecy of The High Priest Caiaphas
Jesus Christ is the Son of Man who died for all. He is the One who voluntarily perished so that all could live, thrive and flourish—not just for a time, but forever and ever.
Saraph Serpents, Sin, and The Saving Power of Christ Crucified
The desert is a place of harshness, trial, desolation, and isolation. I’ve been in the desert, as have you, as has every Christian. It’s a place where the wind is witheringly hot in summer and biting cold in winter. It’s lonely. It’s painful. It can be frightening.
The Pool of Bethesda and the Legend of the Stirring of the Water
In today’s gospel, we hear about how Jesus healed the ill man at the pool of Bethesda, known for its mysterious legend which includes healing powers and the stirring of its waters.
I’m The Prodigal Son and This Is My Story
The Parable of the Prodigal Son found in Luke’s gospel is the most famous parable of all time. Why? Because it’s one of the greatest love stories of all time. But it’s not all roses.