The attitude of many contemporary Americans is that God is a permissive deity who doesn’t intervene much in their lives. He’s a distant being or power who robotically casts blessings on “nice” people but otherwise is rather uninvolved in their everyday activities. He certainly doesn’t make any real moral demands on people. It’s rather convenient, isn’t it?
Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Is Defeated
On 29 January 2018, 46 senators—two Republicans, two Independents, and forty-two Democrats—voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R.36), an essential piece of legislation that would have prevented children capable of feeling pain from being aborted in their mothers’ wombs.
Evangelizing Means Moving On To Other Villages
In today’s gospel, there’s a lesson about evangelizing others. We shouldn’t become frustrated when people are indifferent to our message or display a bias against us. We shouldn’t be shut down by those who are too close to us to listen.
The Devil Is A Prowling Lion
One cannot be biblically literate without also being introduced to the diabolical influences of Satan. However, people today often disbelieve in Satan and his cohorts, the other fallen angels who went agreeably along with his choice to forever reject God.
America and Abortion: A Divided House
America is a divided house on the issue of legally protecting the lives of unborn children. Unfortunately, although many Americans claim to support life in principle, they’re not pro-life with conviction.