Sometimes people fail to understand how deeply affected they are by theological errors of the past. Historical theology and a clear historical consciousness help us to see how mistakes made in the past unwittingly influence Christians in the present.
Are Miracles Real?
What is a miracle, exactly? A miracle is a singular, unique event in which God acts in a way that suspends the powers of nature or goes beyond what can possibly occur naturally to bring about some good effect.
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Catholics venerate the cross as a symbol closely associated with the saving passion and death of Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ offered himself on the Roman cross in a sacrifice of perfect obedience of his human will to God the Father in order to atone for sin and effect the redemption of humankind—something no mere man could do.
Memorial: St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Eucharist
Although St. John Chrysostom died in poverty and exile, stricken by hunger and weakness as he fled from his enemies whose hearts and minds were set on his destruction, his own heart and mind were hidden away with God, flooded with the warmth and love of divine and heavenly light, secure in Christ his Savior and Redeemer.
Who Am I To Judge?
Any person of deep faith who listens to the pulse of American culture soon notices a number of dangerous defects and ailments connected to religion and, especially, morality. One of those cultural ills is the “Who am I to judge?” phenomenon.