Through faithfully practicing the disciplines of Lent—prayer, fasting and almsgiving—we are led not only to more fully understand the meaning of those words but to make them the meaning of our life. Yet we cannot live by the Word of God if we refuse to give free and loving obedience to it; nor can we hear the Word of God if it is squelched by worldly listening.
Video: Ash Wednesday: Calling all Catholics
The beauty of Ash Wednesday and the spiritual meaning behind being signed with ashes often draws lapsed Catholics back to Mass. This desire is, in fact, an invitation from the Lord himself, urging a return to full communion with the Church of Jesus Christ. Don’t let anything stand in your way. Come home, for the love of God, come home.
When the Journey from Here to Eternity is Too Far to Walk
When your friends have abandoned you, when some have betrayed you, when others will not accept what you have to offer, remember Jesus Christ is risen.
Give Me A Sign!
In today’s gospel, Christ reminds us of how disappointed he is with these kinds of attitudes, as well as the effect they have on our relationship with him.
Spiritual But Not Religious?
How spirituality devoid of the Christian religion is not in conformity with God’s plan; therefore, the “spiritual but not religious” approach is not the method God himself has instituted in order to guide humankind into Trinitarian communion.