It today’s gospel, Jesus draws from Genesis 2:24 and reminds his listeners that marriage is a divine creation; it is not a human invention. It follows from this teaching that the marital bond, a covenant of indissoluble fidelity of the spouses entered into before God, cannot be dissolved by any civil or religious power.
America Today
Hollywood and Heresy
Material heresy is often driven by popular films. It’s no secret that people frequently, even though they know a particular film is fiction, pick up on some of its ideas and absorb them as their own. The fact is—and it is a particularly disturbing one—Hollywood has often become the unwary’s instructor.
Materialism and the Liberal Man
Materialism is primarily an orientation of the mind, a particular spirit, a way of understanding reality and of comprehending the world. It is a feature which is understandable and yet at the same time quite troubling. It is an ideology, a way of seeing things, that has pervaded western culture.
The Church of the Poor
Pope Francis has laid out his vision of the Church as “a field hospital after battle” that is dedicated to healing wounds. The Pope wants a Church that is welcoming to everyone and that is inclusive. He preaches mercy and openness in charity, with a vision toward salvation in Christ.
Acknowledging Christ
Deism is today the “common sense” religion of many Catholics and other Christians in America. On a subliminal and personal level, it has fused itself with Christian beliefs, forming a new kind of faith based on feel-good dogmas and relativized sexual ethics.