Children, with their sounds and stirrings during Mass, should not be looked at as disruptions, but as living images of the love of Christ, the blessings of the sacred vocation of marriage, and as gifts integral to a life-filled, growing parish community.
America Today
Finding Consolation in Understanding the Limits of the Pope’s Power and Authority
The Church is suffering from a terrible crisis. How bad is it? Catholic historians and theologians think it is perhaps the worst it has ever been. Can it be traced, in part, to a misunderstanding of the pope’s authority?
Archbishop Scicluna: Homosexual Verses Heterosexual ‘Categories’ and ‘Conditions’
During the Vatican Abuse Summit, Italian journalist Sandro Magister asked Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta why the word “homosexuality” was absent from the abuse summit’s opening day presentations. Was the word’s absence “inadvertent and random” or was it “deliberate?”
Gallup Diocese Lowers the Age of Confirmation
On February 11th, 2019, Bishop James S. Wall announced that the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gallup will be restoring the Sacraments of Initiation to their proper order: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion. The Gallup Diocese is only the latest in a slow, but steady, movement.
Happy Valentines Day: I Give You My (Paper) Heart
Here are some simple, nontraditional ways to spread the love of God this Valentine’s Day.