It’s a convenient, easy, worldly and “New-Agie” thing to do—making God “easy to get along with” or viewing him in a “nice” unchallenging way. But it’s not a virtuous or spiritually intelligent thing to do. It’s not a wise thing to do. Nor is it a loving thing to do. Worse yet, it can lead to the sin of scandal.
Jesus Christ and Human Freedom
Jesus is for us a model of holiness (CCC, 459). In and through and with Christ, we begin to understand the real meaning of authentic human freedom, as well as how it is properly exercised. Through faith in Christ and belief in the teaching of his Church, true freedom is unveiled as we begin to see and live by the light of God.
St. Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary and Model of The Virtue of Faith
St. Joseph, like Mary, is a model and guide for all Christians, especially as a model of faith. St. Joseph teaches us the meaning of faith in God and how to actively and consistently live out the virtue of faith in our lives.
Evangelizing Means Moving On To Other Villages
In today’s gospel, there’s a lesson about evangelizing others. We shouldn’t become frustrated when people are indifferent to our message or display a bias against us. We shouldn’t be shut down by those who are too close to us to listen.
Martin Luther King Jr: Champion of Justice
It’s my dream that we will all look upon Christ crucified and experience the terrifying tragedy of sin, melting our stony hearts into natural hearts. It’s my dream that every American will be transformed by the shocking reality of the cross and its expression of infinite, divine love.